To make it easier to keep track of all of the LBGs they are divided in 11 regions, with a regional advisor (RA) for each of them. They each have a Regional Meeting (RM) once every year.The goal of the regional division is to ensure a better communication between the LBGs and the international teams and to create an environment for knowledge and experience sharing among the local BEST groups (LBG’s). Twice a year representatives from every LBG attend General Meetings (GM) to vote on decisions that set future directions of the whole organisation. The Regional Meetings (RMs) are organized to gather GM delegates from the geographic region and inform them on the ongoing projects and global proposals. It is short intensive event that takes place over a weekend a few weeks before the General Meeting.

The RMs’ primary aim is to get prior feedback from LBGs on projects and proposals before GMs in order to make them more accessible/understandable for the LBG delegates. They also serve as a mean to motivate and educate new and experienced BEST members. In order to organize a great RM, there is a Regional Advisor who takes care of the content of this meeting and coordinates it.

LBG Uppsala belongs to the Nordic Region together with Aalborg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Tampere and Tronheim.