There are many benefits with being a Bestie! We often say that through the experience in BEST we gain a lot of knowledge and experience, useful for our future career and future life in general. But what exactly makes a BEST member special?

STRONG ANALYTICAL SKILLS due to their quantitative studies, mainly Engineering.

TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES from HR to oral presentation, analysis/project management, leadership,teamwork, budgeting, negotiation.

MOBILITY BEST members are used to work “on the road” and travel around Europe on a short time notice.

INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE In every BEST event we have, on average, 14 different countries. At the end of his involvement, a BEST member has visited at least 5 different countries, and participated to 10 different events. We are not just internationally minded, we are internationally rooted.

LONG TERM VISION of their projects: starting from the current situation, evaluating all the variables and other concurrent activities until reaching a bigger view.

KNOWLEDGE SHARING In BEST we know how to share our knowledge, even when we communicate between very different cultures. Example: a successful strategy implemented in Rome, is immediately shared and implemented in Vienna, Copenhagen, Sofia…

PASSION hard work in BEST while studying at University.